For this weeks blog I chose the use of “In God We Trust” printed on all American currency as being politically, socially, and emotionally charged. The image, idea, and who or what God is varies greatly, and always has. My bringing this subject to surface is not that of ungodliness, atheism, or any anti-religious opinion, I believe it is something we have all grown accustom to seeing without giving it a second thought. All people certainly have the right to relate God in any way they choose, and it is exactly for that reason our government’s actions should not put one belief before another. The separation of church and state refers to the limits our very own Constitution places on the power of the government (both federal and state) to legislate about religion. The First Amendment explicitly prohibits the government from establishing or controlling religion, yet “In God We Trust” was put on all PAPER currency by an act of Congress in 1957. The mid to late 1950’s was a time of terrible racism, religious discrimination, and political oppression in the United States. Following World War Two the fear of communism grew. Adding “In God We Trust” to American currency was thought to be an act of religious and political propaganda to counter the threat of “godless communism”. Aside from all this political hypocrisy what does God have to do with money anyways? I would imagine God would be against it, for what good or purpose does it bring? I am sure we have all heard the saying “money is the root of all evil”, who could argue that? The actual saying appeared in the New Testament; “For the love of money is the root of all evil”, Timothy 6:10. Given this direct opposition from the bible we go ahead and put God on money anyways. It seems mixing God and money could emotionally confuse our younger generation, it is just an advertisement like any other… God is good, he is the creator of all things, and he is on money, so let’s go spend it! (That must be good too). It is the American way, what could possibly be better? J